This is a follow-up article to the one entitled ‘SYMPTOMS ARE YOUR FRIEND‘. Our body and our psyche (through dreams and thoughts) is constantly in conversation with us whether we hear or realise or not. We have the natural intelligence of our body operating 24/7 whether we are conscious of it or not. Our body’s natural, innate tendency is towards homeostasis and balance and the latest research shows that all the different cells, tissues and organs communicate with each other and have the quality of consciousness. When necessary, different parts of the body attempt(often unsuccessfully) to relay to us and our consciousness messages to prompt awareness and if necessary change. We are all familiar with some of those signs- a tightness in our chest, a lump sensation in our throat, a knot in our gut, a twinge in our knee. If we listened and took note of these very subtle cues then that may be all we need as a signal to change something that’s not working any more in our lives. But how often is that the case? We are often too busy, too distracted, too seduced and invested in the medical model that tells us that our symptoms are an inconvenience, a hindrance to our lives. Wasn’t the Codral ad for colds and flus to take their tablets and to just ‘carry on’? Our economic system based on hyper-productivity needs it to be this way.

But what if we were to honor and listen to our body, our symptoms and it’s cries for help and change? What if your chronic sore throat is an expression of you yearning at your deepest level to voice yourself more? Maybe your inflammation in your joints is all that anger you have grown up believing you shouldn’t own or express because you were told that as a child? Could it be that your breast cancer is something to do with you always servicing others’ needs over your own? Pioneers in metaphysics(that looks at the correlation between your thoughts and emotions and your body) such as Inna Segal, Louise Hay,etc would suggest that ‘our issues’ eventually find their way into ‘our tissues’. We all have patterns learnt from childhood that dictate how we operate in the world. They may have served us as children to get our primary needs met back then but we are now adults and the world is very different now. We are safe and we can learn to love and parent ourselves now.

Homeopathy is an excellent modality that treats the WHOLE PERSON and can through it’s potent system of vibrationally attuned homeopathic remedies help clear away symptoms and illnesses by addressing the root causes and patterns underlying the symptoms which are merely messengers attempting to convey that the all too familiar and patterned ways of living no longer serve us in going forward. It may no longer serve us to keep looking after others and sacrificing ourselves. Giving other power away may no longer honour who we want to become. Keeping that emotional wall up to avoid hurt and disappointment in our life may be keeping us from a beautiful deep connection with the other. Homeopathic remedies are powerful change agents. Maybe they’re worth trying out? That’s only though if you would like to change your life!